
Background: B.Sc. in Psychology at Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster
I am interested in the neuronal basis of daily behavior such as thoughts about others (ToM) and decision making. I am excited to learn about different neuronal methods and computational modeling.
Martin Hebart – former postdoc, now Max Planck research group leader at MPI for Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig
Personal website
Sam Chien – former PhD studen, now postdoc at Nico Schuck’s lab at the MPI for Human Development, Berlin
Schuck Lab
Christoph Korn – former postdoc, now Assistant Professor, Univeristy of Heidelberg
Decision Neuroscience of Human Interactions Lab
Tessa Rusch – former PhD student, now Postdoc with Ralph Adolphs and John O’Doherty, Caltech
Researchgate Profile
Lei Zhang – former PhD student, now postdoc with Claus Lamm, University of Vienna
Personal website