
Principal Investigator
Jan Gläscher Background: Diploma in Psychology (Dipl.-Psych.), Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience Contact: I am fascinated by the computations that the brain carries out, when making in a decision and how these computations are influence by external factors (e.g. the value of a decision cue). A special interest lies on social decision-making, i.e. how our choices are affected by social information of others and how social decision-making strategies (competitive, cooperative, altruistic, observational) change the underlying valuation process.
Saurabh Steixner-Kumar Background: PhD. in Neuroscience at Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain sciences in collaboration with University of Leipzig, M.Sc. Digital Communications at Christain Albrechts University (Kiel University), B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering at Ganpat University. Contact: Currently working on interactive social decision making in varying contexts while investigating human behavior with the latest tools of Bayesian and Reinforcement learning models. My current work also involves understanding human interaction with robots and communication between humans inferred through actions. I am broadly driven by the possibilities of data science in the contemporary world and its future potential. Personal website:
Alina Dinu Background: PhD in Neuroscience from the Institute of Systems Neuroscience at Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, M.Sc. in Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience at Maastricht University Contact: My project investigates the interplay between category learning and decision making focusing on rule-based and memory-based categorization. I am using eye-tracking, fMRI and computational modeling to disentangle these two categorization types and how they behave in the context of choice.
PhD Students and Master Students
Tatia Buidze Background: B.Sc. in Psychology, M.Sc. in Neuro-cognitive Psychology Contact: My research interest is to investigate the neuronal basis and computational principles underlying the Theory of Mind (ToM) during non-verbal communication. I use behavioral measures, eye-tracking, computational modeling, and neuronal data (fMRI, EEG hyperscanning) to understand peoples‘ capabilities of generating/representing mental models of other humans and how mentalizing is used to predict the behavior of others in cooperative settings.
Leon Möhring Background: Medical Student Contact: I am interested in how prediction errors are able to drive the learning process and update neuronal representations during value-based decision making. To investigate this topic I use computational modeling and perform multivariate pattern analyses on fMRI data.

Julia Wandschura

Background: B.Sc. in Psychology at Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster


I am interested in the neuronal basis of daily behavior such as thoughts about others (ToM) and decision making. I am excited to learn about different neuronal methods and computational modeling.


Martin Hebart – former postdoc, now Max Planck research group leader at MPI for Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig
Personal website

Sam Chien – former PhD studen, now postdoc at Nico Schuck’s lab at the MPI for Human Development, Berlin
Schuck Lab

Christoph Korn – former postdoc, now Assistant Professor, Univeristy of Heidelberg
Decision Neuroscience of Human Interactions Lab

Tessa Rusch – former PhD student, now Postdoc with Ralph Adolphs and John O’Doherty, Caltech
Researchgate Profile

Lei Zhang – former PhD student, now postdoc with Claus Lamm, University of Vienna
Personal website